Our Cottage
Located on the banks of the Juine on a length of about one hundred and twenty meters, the park of one hectare and a half has many species of trees, poplars, willows, beeches, fresnes, yew, spruce, cedar and boxwood almost centenarians and many wild flowers forming veritable carpet in undergrowth, snowdrops, daffodils, bluebells and an exceptional assembly of doronics golden fields late April.
Irregularly shaped pond is located in the middle of the park, between a gently sloping meadow undergrowth bordering the Juine.
A rose garden is being established for two years, favoring vines climbing roses to assault the old stone walls, trees and hedges.
September-October saw the flowering time of Asters of all colors, the collection enriched from year to year.
Maintained without excess, keeps the garden throughout the seasons a wildly romantic character conducive to calm and dream, a paradise for the Painters!